September 2024 – Information
Transferring to Secondary School can be an unsettling whilst exciting time for Year 6 students. This part of the website should help you by answering some of the questions you may have before starting at the Academy in September 2024.
Please use your time to go through the different sections and familiarise yourself with the Academy day, how to use your planner, uniform and much more.
In the meantime, if you have been offered a place in the Academy starting in September you will be invited to a “Liaison Day” where you will meet your Pastoral Leader, members in your form, some teachers and the pastoral team who are there to support you. You will also be invited to an “Activity Day” on the Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday week commencing 16th July.
During June and July this year you will either receive a visit from your Pastoral Leader and two Year 7 students that used to come to your school, or be invited to the Academy for a tour. During this time you can ask any questions that are causing you concern.
In this website you will also see that the Holiday Programme is packed full of events for you to attend during the first week of the summer holidays. This programme is designed specifically for you and to help you with the transition to the Academy.
Useful contact numbers:
Year 7 Pastoral Leader – Mr Wynn
Garforth Academy Reception – 0113 2 127 127
We are really looking forward to you joining our Academy in September!
As we look forward to welcoming our new starters in September
Student Planners
You will be given a planner on your first day at Garforth Academy. This planner will have to last you the whole year so you must look after it.
The Student planner is designed to help you to:
- Plan your work
- Manage your time
- Keep a record of your Achievements during the Academy year
To get the best from your planner remember:
- Record information which helps you remember and plan your time effectively.
- Record achievements both in and out of the Academy.
- Ask your tutor if you do not understand.
- Information in the planner is vital and used for completing your Annual review.
- Keep it up to date.
There are sections for you to Record:
- Your lesson and homework timetables
- Important dates in monthly calendars
- Homework, assignments and deadlines week by week
- Important information
Planner Check:
- Make sure it is kept well organised and label all your lessons for the week ahead.
- If no home work is set that lesson – clearly mark – no homework set.
- Make sure there is no graffiti or decoration on your planner.
- Parents / carers must sign the planner at the end of each week and you must too.
- Ask if you are unsure
Behaviour rewards
Positive Conduct Points are awarded via staff via Bromcom. A Positive Conduct Point will be given in Years 7–11 if a student fulfils any of the following criteria:
- Effort – Outstanding effort in Class work/Homework
- Academic Achievement – Quality of Work
- Test Result
- Practical Skills
- Oral Response
- Improvement – Academically, Behaviour/Attitude, Effort
- Extra Curricular Activities
- Helping others/Citizenship
Travelling to School
A downloadable map showing the various bus, cycle and walking routes has been produced by Sustrans and can be downloaded using the link at the bottom of this page.
School Map
You can also download a map of the school using the link at the bottom of this page.
Top Tips for Year 7
- Get organised
- Pack your bag the night before
- Double check you have everything you need that morning
- Do your homework on time and the night it is set.
- Put reminders in your planner for deadlines, so you are well prepared.
- Bring your planner everyday
- Bring a reading book everyday for form time
- Hang your uniform up when you get home
- Label all uniform with your name and form
- Join an after school club and homework club
- Ask for help if you get stuck
- Ask for directions if you get lost
- Set off early and get to school on time
- Don’t let a small problem become a big problem, seek help early.
- Help others