Garforth Academy House System
The aim of our House system is to create added enjoyment and motivation for students as well as form more opportunities for students to build skills around teamwork, collaboration, leadership and mentoring. It is also hoped that students will also develop a sense of community cohesion and responsibility within their Houses. All students and staff are part of one of five Houses; Lotherton, Harewood, Kirkstall, Oakwell and Newsam, with a mix of year groups and staff roles throughout each House. Houses are led by two members of the Senior Leadership Team and two Year 11 House Captains. All students and staff take part in activities and competitions throughout the academic year to win points for their House, with the leading House come the end of the academic year winning an invitation for a reward trip to Alton Towers. The competitions kick off with a Tug of War event for each year group as well as a staff competition. These events take place in the sports hall at break time and attract huge crowds (and noise). Throughout the year each department run house competitions within their subject including; Crystal Maze in Maths, Treasure hunts in English, Interhouse competitions in PE, Dragons Den on upcycling products in Business students and Design Technology, an Atomic Cook off in Science and a History Pub Quiz. Bonus points are also be awarded based on Achievement Points, events based around raising money for charity and any Principal Points Mrs Young would like to award for students who make an exceptional contribution to society and the community.

Student Council
Our student council is made of candidates from each year group at school & their main role is to represent students within the school by raising current issues, concerns, desires & events taking place in each year group. The Students Council will voice the main interests of the students & make plans for change or improvements in the every day life of a student at Garforth Academy.
The Student Council also have the opportunity to be involved in the wider community & represent young people of Garforth to give valuable insights into the differences young people can make in local communities. This can be done during the Outer East Youth Summit where students meet with other young people & discuss important issues with their local counsellor.
Our Student Council host various events throughout the school calendar to help raise money for charities & to bring communities together at important times of the year. They host an annual Christmas Party for local Care Homes, helping support some of our most vulnerable residents & bringing enjoyment & laughter to different groups of people. They organise the selling of Poppies for Remembrance Sunday. The Student Council also host an annual Christmas Jumper/non-uniform day to help raise money for the Childrens Air Ambulance, which is a charity close to the hearts of many of our school community.

The big event that the Student Council love hosting is the Soak the Teacher event in summer. They spend much of the year discussing this & which teachers they would most like to be involved. It brings all year groups together and enables students to see teachers in a different light for an hour or so. A very well participated in event for the whole school.
The Student Council work together throughout the school year looking for ways to support all students at Garforth Academy and also how they can make a difference in the wider community.