SENCO – Mrs Christina Nesbitt; National SENCo Award

This Academy is a member of the Delta Academies Trust. The academy will use the resources and expertise of the Delta Academies Trust and work closely with other Delta academies to ensure that the SEND policy is implemented using best practice. It is the aim of Garforth Academy that every student achieves the very highest level of Attainment which reflects their ability.

At Garforth Academy, students with Special Educational Needs are fully included within our academy. Furthermore, we ensure that any student who requires additional support, for whatever reason, will be recorded according to the Code of Practice at K SEN Support, or EHCP so that every student in the academy is fully supported to achieve their potential. 

The SENCO and the Support team are responsible for providing support to other staff in the academy for students’ needs to be met. The nature of this support is specifically tailored and determined by the needs of the individual student or teaching group. The support may involve: Teaching Assistants support in lessons, preparing differentiated resources, or advice from the SENCO. The SENCO will involve the students, their parents/carers, their teachers, and other necessary professionals in the planning of support.

We communicate with parents regularly through professional meetings, 1-2-1 meetings, via our Support team, through school parents’ evenings and via School Comms. All students on the SEND register have a learning passport which is shared to all staff to ensure that all staff are involved in supporting our students. 

In addition to quality first teaching and classroom support, the academy offers a range of provisions and bespoke interventions to fully support pupils with additional needs in the Support Department, ILC, Excellence Centre and Personalised Learning Centre.

The SENCO also works closely with the local primary schools and the local authority to ensure that students are appropriately transitioned to us from our feeder schools.

Department Staff

Mrs Nesbitt – SENCO – 01132127127

Miss Foreman – SEN Co-ordinator

Miss Quinn – Excellence Centre Manager

Mrs Watson – Higher Level Teaching Assistant 

Miss Ockenden – Higher Level Teaching Assistant

Mrs Lang – Higher Level Teaching Assistant 

Mrs Bickerdyke – SEND Admin Support and Teaching Assistant

Mrs Dunn – Teaching Assistant

Mrs Proctor – Teaching Assistant

Mr Bhatty – Teaching Assistant

Miss Hudson – Teaching Assistant

Mrs Harvey – Teaching Assistant

Mrs Farrar – Teaching Assistant

Mrs Tuck – Teaching Assistant

Miss Coombs – Teaching Assistant

Mr Warering – Teaching Assistant

Miss Farnell – Teaching Assistant

Raluca Ciocilteu – Teaching Assistant

Emily Essien – Teaching Assistant

More information regarding SEND can be found on the statutory information page