Delta Academies use the CDI Framework and the PSHE Association Programme of Study to build our Careers Programmes.
Our CEIAG & Provider Access Policy gives an overview of the programme for each year group. A more detailed programme can be found here.
Careers SOW
The Garforth Academy Careers Education Plan below outlines the general theme, learning aims and careers related activities for each year group:
Curriculum Intent
Garforth Academy Careers Vision
Garforth Academy is committed to providing excellent Careers Education Information Advice and Guidance to all students in the Academy. The Careers Team consists of Head of Careers Bethany Betts, Careers Coordinator Paula Watson, Career Advisor Vicky Pointing, and Careers Advisor Denise Zama who are based between the 6th form Careers Office and the ILC Careers Room.
Through the Garforth Academy careers programme we aim to:
- Empower young people to plan and manage their own futures
- Respond to the needs of each learner
- Provide comprehensive information and advice
- Raise aspirations
- Actively promote equality of opportunity and challenge stereotypes
- Help young people to progress
Visit our careers programme page for information on how we implement CEIAG at Garforth Academy.
Information and updates on careers related activities and opportunities will be communicated via email, in Form Time and Assemblies, through student TEAMS groups, on notice boards and plasma screens, the website, and through our school Twittter pages @DeltaGarforth @GApost16

Careers Information Advice – Student Entitlement
All young people at Garforth Academy are entitled to:
- Support from a Personal Tutor who knows them well and who can help them to access specialist advice and ensure any learning needs or issues are quickly addressed.
- High quality programmes of careers education which help young people to plan and manage their own careers.
- Impartial information advice and guidance about learning and work options including about Apprenticeships, Diplomas, Foundation Learning and GCSEs/A Levels.
- Information, advice and guidance about the benefits of higher education and how to access the opportunities that it affords.
All young people at Garforth Academy are entitled to access through wider commissioned services and external providers:
- One to one advice and support from a specialist careers adviser when needed.
- Information and discussion in lessons and assemblies to help students make informed decisions about their future.
- Activities and Events such as careers fairs/employability workshops/work experience.
- Further specialist support from local services as needed.
- Information on all local learning programmes for 14–19-year-olds via their local 14-19 prospectus.
- Support for young people to move to adult information, advice and guidance services when they reach the appropriate age.
We are committed to the vision laid out in the DfE January 2018 document “Careers Guidance and Access for Education and Training Providers” in that:
- Garforth Academy offers every young person at least one meaningful encounter with employers per year, from Years 7 to 13.
- Garforth Academy has appointed a named person to the role of Careers Leader.
- Garforth Academy has published details of its destination data and careers programme.
- Garforth Academy quality assures its careers programme by evaluating against the Gatsby Benchmarks every term.
Careers Learning Journey

CEIAG Impact & Evaluation
Y11 Destination Information
Y13 Destination Information
To ensure all of our students have access and awareness of a wide variety of opportunities, we would welcome local providers and employers to come and speak to our students at the Academy. If you would like to get in touch to arrange a talk, please contact Bethany Betts (Careers Lead) bettsb@garforthacademy.org.uk
To see our CEIAG policy, please see our Statutory Information & Policies Page