Pupil Premium

As an Academy we are focused on closing the gap between PP and Non- PP students and remain above national on
both student progress and attainment. Spending commitments made are based on a detailed understanding of
individual needs and aim to maximise the growing body of research and evidence on effective practice.
All pupil premium spending should lead to a quantifiable impact on student achievement and attainment, with a
clear plan for impact measurement established. Detailed individual intervention plan and spend per PP student is
available on request.

The Academy has put in place the following monitoring/reporting system:

Each Faculty to input PP data every half term and include the following information

• Issue – Curriculum, Behaviour, Attendance, Emotional Wellbeing, Homework, Work Ethic and No Issues.
• Subject – Department/Faculty name.
• Support Offered – Homework support, Educational Visit, Additional Tuition, Intervention Programme,
Holiday Intervention, Coursework Support, Provision of resources and equipment, Small set group, TA
support in class, Revision Session, Attendance support, Daily support, Weekly support, Group Programmes
one to one support, Home visits, Parental meetings, Excellence Centre/Bridge and Detentions.
• Hours – For each type of intervention offered for each half term.

After each data capture there is a ‘subject concern list’. If a ‘Progress 8’ score for a student is in RED then that particular student has underperformed from the previous cycle date. Subject is identified as a concern and Departments are instructed to re-visit their intervention plan. If it is identified as GREEN, then the intervention is having an impact and the strategy continues.

These parameters for PP students are narrower than Non PP students to highlight our firm commitment to closing the difference between the outcomes of PP and Non-PP students and ensuring we diminish the difference of our PP students on all national % thresholds.

The following documents can be found on the statutory information page.