Academy Day

  • Morning break is 15 minutes in duration, whilst the lunch break is 30 minutes.
  • Afternoon school finishes at 2.30pm.

The Academy is open for 7 hours and 20 minutes each day. Students in Years 7 – 11 are not permitted to leave the campus during the school day.

Leeds Education Metro organise buses to serve children living in outlying areas. Details may be obtained from Leeds Metro on 0113 251 7272 or by visiting the website Generation M.

8.259.25Lesson 1
9.25 – 10.25Lesson 2
10.25 – 10.40First break or tutor period (1st break – Y7, 9, 11+ 12)
10.45 – 11.00First break or tutor period (1st break – Y8, 10 + 13)
11.0012.00Lesson 3
12.00 – 1.30Lesson 4/lunch
(3 lunches: 4a: Y9, 11, 12 + 13, 4b: 7, 4c: Y8 + 10)
01.30 – 2.30Lesson 5
2.30School Ends
2.30 +Enrichment

The Sixth Form follow an extended day with two additional one hour teaching periods starting at 2.30 pm and 3.30 pm.

Student Planners

Students are issued with a Student Planner that contains information about their daily timetable, homework and school events. Students are expected to enter homeworks set in their planner and this is checked, monitored and signed by their Form Tutor. We ask that parents also check and monitor homework and sign to show that this has been done. The planner can also be used as a method of communication between home and school.


Homework is considered to be an integral part of the school curriculum. It provides a valuable framework for encouraging independent learning. Parents can give valuable support by helping students to develop regular working habits and discuss their work at home.

At the start of the year a homework timetable is provided so that students and parents know what is expected. As students move through the school, the focus on independent learning develops, particularly with examination coursework which involves sustained commitment over a longer period of time.

Homework is likely to involve a range of activities including research, extension of activities begun in lessons, consolidation, reading and revision. ICT as a tool for completing homework can be applied; this may involve the presentation of a homework piece or fact finding through use of Internet research.

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