Information for Parents/Carers

Progress Careers Parent/Carer Advice Hub

Progress Careers Parent/Carer Advice Hub

Investing in your child’s future

Research has consistently shown that parents and carers are the most influential factor in students’ decisions about the future. Your support and encouragement influences their choices, and the guidance you provide will be invaluable to their eventual achievements and career pathways. This might feel a little daunting…the jobs of the future may be very different from your own experiences and choices. In fact, they may not even been invented yet!

There are some very simple and practical steps you can take to support your child.

  1. Talk to them about their current educational attainment and estimated grades and encourage them to aim high (the skills shortages of the future will be in higher level jobs)
  2. Discuss where they want to be and research how to get there (lots of great resources in the Academy and on the internet)
  3. Use the links on the academy website
    Years 7-11
  4. Encourage them to seek out the advice and experiences they need to help them achieve their goals
  5. Help them with the steps they need to take
  6. Encourage them to seek out their own work experience in the year 10/11 summer holidays
  7. You are welcome to attend your child’s careers meeting and we encourage you to contact Lauren Llewellyn ( 0113 212 7116) if you need any more help or information.

Together with a range of career professionals, businesses and training providers we will support your young person’s career development in a number of ways including:

  • Information and discussion in lessons and assemblies to help them make decisions about your future
  • Activities and events such as Futures Day
  • Access to careers advisers in a variety of ways including individual meetings, drop-in sessions, enrichment activities, parents and option evenings and on results days
  • Careers information and computer-based careers programmes
  • Information and updates on notice boards, plasma screens and websites